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Friday, October 31, 2008

Term4 week7;preparing for our exams

hiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone iam going to tell you how do i prepare for my exams.i prepare by doing homework all day .no i have no strategies in preparing for my exams.i did not watch tv at all to prepare for my exams.my target is :english =70 math=70 science 70 and chinese =60 marks.i revise and do assesment on the day of the exam

Term4 week6:littering and vandalism

Littering and vandalism means to dirty the place.yes,iknow the difference between them .the children litter and vandalised so that they could destroy the place .i was fustrated when i see toilets being vandalised.I have seen the school toilets being vandalised.we can stop by installing a camera in the toilet so that they could catch the person who vanderlise it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

term4 week4:F1 racing

hi everyone i am going to tell about f1.F1 is a shortcut for Formula One.it first started in Paris 1894.F1 is held in a lot of countries , Singapore,Malaysia,Japan,and other countries.Yes ,i think Singapore should do,so that foreigners will know Singapore very well.My favourite F1 is Fanardo Alonso because he is the 1st and i also like his car designed. i did watch the F1 it is very exciting and very challenging as they have a very differcult to take over.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Term4 Week 3:recycling

Hi everyone today i am going to tell you about recycling .Recycing is about using that thing again and again.it is necessary to recycle things that you to not want .you can recycle by using the two sides of the paper.i do practice recycling.i recycle clothes that are to small gave to the savation.Yes i think the school is doing enough recycling.the school could recycle unwanted newspaper.YOU MUST RECYCLE!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Term4;week 2;Stress

7. What message would you tell you friends about stress?
hello everyone today i am going to tell you about stress.Stress is for example the teacher gave alot of homework for practicing for the exam and you cannot do finish and do not want to do it again.i felt stress as my mother gave me a lot of homework to do. sometime i watch tv so i would not be stress.By not giving me not so much homework. bye bye

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello everyone welcome to my blog ,today i am going to tell you about reading.Yes,i do think reading is indeed very important.i usually read story books or sometimes comic. i read about 20 books this month. i read so that i could improve my english.no they are not as some times you have to read some sentence before you play the game.The school can encourage by telling them to go to the school library once or twice a week.It will be Mr Midnight.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Term 3 Week 9;computer games

Hi everyone i am going to tell you about computer games.i do play computer games for entertainment when i am free.i will play games like pokemon indigo or downloaded games.i am attracted of computer game as the game is very interesting fun.Yes i think a lot of people play computer games , they do for entertainment.i play an hour only.yes it will effertmy studies as i will get use to it and i will playvery often.yes i am aware.i can stop them by telling them not to do .

Friday, August 29, 2008

Term3 Week 9:Olympic Games

Well the origin of the olympics is all about sports of the same type challenge to see who is the best country with all sports.it is important as the partisitant could show his talent and also have fun.yes i have watch some of the olympics event so that i would know who will get the gold medal.Usain Bolt impressed me the most as he is the fastast man in the 100m race. Yes i would like to and i would like to participate in volley ball as it is very exciting.Yes it is worth it as everyone could watch live

Friday, August 22, 2008

Term 3 week 8 ;National day

National Day is about the day Singapore got independants last time.we celebrate it as it would remind you about how Singapore got independants.i celebrate by going to the restarant to eat.i think it is very tiring because i must run about 2-3km,but it was also very exciting.the NE show is very interesting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Term 3 week 7:copyright

copyright means it is not allow to be copy.copyright is if someone write the compo and you copy it with his or her pemision.It is wrong because it will give the creater a bad impresions and regrets for taking a long time making it.You will have to ask his or her permision.You may have to pay a very high price . i saw people infringing the copyright before .they download song that is illeggle.i can do by not downloding copyrightsong

Friday, August 1, 2008

term 3 week 6 Racial harmony

hi everyone i am telling you about racial haromony.Racial harmony means different races together so that they would not fight in Singapore.yes i think they get along in school and nieghbourhood.yes i do have a lot of friends from other races.i get to know them by sitting next to each other and discuss.i can help by telling them why is it important to make friends from other races.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Term 3 :week 5

I will get 8 or 9 hours of sleep.I think i have enough sleep every day.By sleeping around 10 o`clock or less .If i do no have enough sleep i will try to sleep early .I think i have too many thngs to do everyday. In the morning i attend school when in the afternoon i will attend the school remedial, in the night will revise my home work.The parents can let the children sleep early.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Cyberbullying is bully someone by the computer.It will hurt others by saying bag words.when they go to the email they will get messages from unknown people.You can stop by not using the computer or not going to online chat.I did not encounter cyberbulling before.i stop by taking it seriously and argue back to the person.I will tell him not to go to the chat online...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I think they use the public to call the police because they were faking that there is an acident in the shopping mall.when you are in danger then you will call 999.when you are not in danger.we will be fined or jail.you should wittess the accident first.yes it is enthough .

Friday, July 4, 2008


Hiii everyone today i am going to tell you about netiquette.The two ways are using handphone and computer.Netiquette is impotant because it will help you learn about buyiing things from computer.the people who do not have computer or handphone.i think it is acts is bad.i tell him not to chat to people that you do not know.
bye bye

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

pe attire

The reaseons is to let the pupils save time. The advantage is i do not need to spend my precious time.there is no disadvantage.you would sweat a lot .the rule is to tuck in our t shirt .the suggestion is to have more time during recces.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


  1. at the first week i went to school to attend to a enrichment class in the morning.in the afternoon i do some of my homework

2.the second week i stay at home and watch tv

3.the third week ,Monday i went to take the DHL hot air balloon.the rest of the day i did my homework.

Friday, May 23, 2008

project work

on the first day of the project i do my worksheet. on the second day .our group name our group name,we bought a vanguard sheet to draw out a monpoly bought set.we did about dengue mosqito.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Personal Respones 5:Earthquakes

The earthquake is cause by, the four major layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The people could get out of their countries or get out of their houses .No the scientist could not detect the earthquake because the earthquake came in a sudenly.the earthquake ocurred in Hawaii,Alaska and China.i think they have eartquake because they have a ground that is very weak.i dont think Singapore will be struck by an earthquake because Singapore is protected by Malaysia and Indonasia.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection 5:my mother

I think mother`s day is the most happiest day for all mother.i help some chores and make a mother day card . My mum and I relationship is that we love each other and I help her .my mother help me by giving me a lot of sopport , encouragement and help. i think mother are important because children need money to spend in school.i can comfort her went she is sad.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Personal Respones 4:child safety in school bus

No i did not take the school bus ,but i do take the public bus.The children behave very noisily and like walking in the school bus.Yes, i do agree with Ms Karen Koh that safety belt should be install , if it is not install the my fall infront if the bu jerk.No i do not agree with him because any time the passengers might fell.they could go round to check the whole bus.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

reflection 4:food sold in our canteen

I eat in the school canteen because this is the only place i can eat during recess time.One of my favourite is stall number 4 as it is a place where i eat the delicious noodles.I think the food and drinks sold in the canteen are healthy because use gloves to scop up the noodles .i think the food and drinks sold in the canteen are clean as cleaners clean the table when you left.there are many stall that have healthier food,let me tell some of the stall number 1,2,3,4,5&6.i would suggest that we should includ a HL merrigor milk stall.we can make the canteen bigger and have more seats to sit ,so that the pupils need not to wait for seats.

Friday, April 18, 2008

personal-response-3-hand-foot-and-mouth disease

HFMD it means hand-foot-and-mouth disease.I can tell my friends whether he\she have HFMD by seeing his or her hand or mouth.it is not truth that it only occur below 5 it is until teenager age.i should prevent it by washing my hands , don`t dig the nose and washing my mouth to prevent it from the diease.No i do not know who has contrated this diease .he should not be going to school until he recovered,and going to the docter.i will advised them not to come to school until he\she recovered.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hi every one ,now i am leting you know the latest psp design.
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now com and buy it .it is now $ 441 org$678

Saturday, April 12, 2008


the exams were coming i am struggerling for help!!!

Road Traffic Game

i think the road safety game to me is very tired and boring because i did not get choose in cyclist or co kart.
this is my class

Reflection 3: Friendship

I think friendship means playing a part to make friends with other religions ,and also not to be enemies .i think it is impotant to make friends because ,if you did not have friends you will fill terrible boring.i can develop friends by talking with them, playing with them,dicussing homework with them.i think it is impotant for singaporeans to be friendly with other countries , if singaporeans does not ,it might be a war which many people will die.YES,i did enjoy the activities during our school International Friendship Day.I enjoy the matial art,,because it was like very cool.I can suggest that nest year we should have people to put up a show that talks about friendship

Sunday, April 6, 2008

for all


for odsjbkcfiushesdvgubj

odsjbkcfiushesdvgubj YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. i finally realized who are you . it is wrong using other people .i dont think your name is odsjbkcfiushesdvgubj!!!!.you should ammitt who are you.

shout box

after creating this shout box i could chat with others

Personal respones-Courtesy

I think courtesy means doing something as you want to do it and you do that with no returning of anything in a kind and polite way.The fable from America impresses me the best,it really teaches me the way to be polite others it also show the way to be courteous.I think our class is a little courteos as i should said that 4/7 and not 7/7 because either the class moniter ,assistant moniter or the assistant moniter will shout at me to sit down.By lending them money if he or she,we also talk to them politely.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Reflection-2 :MY dream

My dream is to become a engineer just like my cousins.i think this dream impotant because ,if i became engineer ,i will made cars that will fly .i plan to study hard to go to learning engeering polytecnic.i think people should have dream so that they would plan their targets.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Personal Respones 1:Racial Hamony

Racial harmony means that everyone,regardless of race or religion,must try to make more friends with other religion .They may sometime argue of misunderstanding as they are different customs,like many Malays ate the food with their hands and chinese did not understand why .I thing Rajah`s solusion is silly because if you do not have a religion that means you do not have have to believe in any thing.To be friends with other religions ,i have to discuss with them homeworks and playing with them .We should held a show of how they became friends in the end.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reflection-Looking foward

I have recieve my class test result ,i did my class test very badly .I felt very dissappoint with my result . my result are,English:25&ahalf,maths:19,chinese:19andscience17&ahalf.My mother went to buy more assesment books and send me to tuition centre.i plan to do well in my Exams.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Health Eduacation

I have learn about why we have to use first aid during an accident .My teacher ,Mr Ong let us play the Health Eduacation game , it was finding the first aid things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

social studies learning journey

When i went to the learning journey it was very exiting and interesting.I went to the Ford factory first i watch the video clip ,the scary part was the japanese use the knife to kill all the soldiers from the malay riligent .The japanese soldiers kill about a thousands of singerporeans .i felt sad that were kill or suffer .But lukily the japanese had soon surender.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

my experience

Wecome to my blog .my name is Kennett tang.i felt happy that i created my blogger acount.