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Monday, March 31, 2008

Reflection-2 :MY dream

My dream is to become a engineer just like my cousins.i think this dream impotant because ,if i became engineer ,i will made cars that will fly .i plan to study hard to go to learning engeering polytecnic.i think people should have dream so that they would plan their targets.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Personal Respones 1:Racial Hamony

Racial harmony means that everyone,regardless of race or religion,must try to make more friends with other religion .They may sometime argue of misunderstanding as they are different customs,like many Malays ate the food with their hands and chinese did not understand why .I thing Rajah`s solusion is silly because if you do not have a religion that means you do not have have to believe in any thing.To be friends with other religions ,i have to discuss with them homeworks and playing with them .We should held a show of how they became friends in the end.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reflection-Looking foward

I have recieve my class test result ,i did my class test very badly .I felt very dissappoint with my result . my result are,English:25&ahalf,maths:19,chinese:19andscience17&ahalf.My mother went to buy more assesment books and send me to tuition centre.i plan to do well in my Exams.