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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Term 3 :week 5

I will get 8 or 9 hours of sleep.I think i have enough sleep every day.By sleeping around 10 o`clock or less .If i do no have enough sleep i will try to sleep early .I think i have too many thngs to do everyday. In the morning i attend school when in the afternoon i will attend the school remedial, in the night will revise my home work.The parents can let the children sleep early.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Cyberbullying is bully someone by the computer.It will hurt others by saying bag words.when they go to the email they will get messages from unknown people.You can stop by not using the computer or not going to online chat.I did not encounter cyberbulling before.i stop by taking it seriously and argue back to the person.I will tell him not to go to the chat online...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I think they use the public to call the police because they were faking that there is an acident in the shopping mall.when you are in danger then you will call 999.when you are not in danger.we will be fined or jail.you should wittess the accident first.yes it is enthough .

Friday, July 4, 2008


Hiii everyone today i am going to tell you about netiquette.The two ways are using handphone and computer.Netiquette is impotant because it will help you learn about buyiing things from computer.the people who do not have computer or handphone.i think it is acts is bad.i tell him not to chat to people that you do not know.
bye bye

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

pe attire

The reaseons is to let the pupils save time. The advantage is i do not need to spend my precious time.there is no disadvantage.you would sweat a lot .the rule is to tuck in our t shirt .the suggestion is to have more time during recces.