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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

term4 week4:F1 racing

hi everyone i am going to tell about f1.F1 is a shortcut for Formula One.it first started in Paris 1894.F1 is held in a lot of countries , Singapore,Malaysia,Japan,and other countries.Yes ,i think Singapore should do,so that foreigners will know Singapore very well.My favourite F1 is Fanardo Alonso because he is the 1st and i also like his car designed. i did watch the F1 it is very exciting and very challenging as they have a very differcult to take over.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Term4 Week 3:recycling

Hi everyone today i am going to tell you about recycling .Recycing is about using that thing again and again.it is necessary to recycle things that you to not want .you can recycle by using the two sides of the paper.i do practice recycling.i recycle clothes that are to small gave to the savation.Yes i think the school is doing enough recycling.the school could recycle unwanted newspaper.YOU MUST RECYCLE!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Term4;week 2;Stress

7. What message would you tell you friends about stress?
hello everyone today i am going to tell you about stress.Stress is for example the teacher gave alot of homework for practicing for the exam and you cannot do finish and do not want to do it again.i felt stress as my mother gave me a lot of homework to do. sometime i watch tv so i would not be stress.By not giving me not so much homework. bye bye

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello everyone welcome to my blog ,today i am going to tell you about reading.Yes,i do think reading is indeed very important.i usually read story books or sometimes comic. i read about 20 books this month. i read so that i could improve my english.no they are not as some times you have to read some sentence before you play the game.The school can encourage by telling them to go to the school library once or twice a week.It will be Mr Midnight.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Term 3 Week 9;computer games

Hi everyone i am going to tell you about computer games.i do play computer games for entertainment when i am free.i will play games like pokemon indigo or downloaded games.i am attracted of computer game as the game is very interesting fun.Yes i think a lot of people play computer games , they do for entertainment.i play an hour only.yes it will effertmy studies as i will get use to it and i will playvery often.yes i am aware.i can stop them by telling them not to do .